Deze cursus is verlopen

Angles and Ridges

The Anterior and Posterior composite course

Having a hard time creating life-like and functional anterior and posterior restorations? Or do you just want to fine tune your composite skills? Well, look no further! With our two day composite course you will be amazed by your own progress and results.

12 Punten
Meerdere cursusdagen
Physical course - series


Regulier € 1499
Inclusief : refreshments, lunch, Saturday dinner and course materials
Exclusief : hotelroom at Hotel Flora Batava/ Hotel de Leijhof


12 Punten


Medische handelen 60 %
Kennis en wetenschap 40 %


After this course you’ve learned:

How to predictably use the copy-paste technique with for Class-I restorations (primary caries)
Protocols for posterior (Class-I, Class-II and Class-V) restorations and anterior (Class-IV) restorations
How to get the most out of your matrixband system and how to get natural life like posterior restorations
Anatomy of posterior and anterior teeth
How to make two beautiful central incisors; both young and worn centrals
Life-hacks in restorative dentistry
Injury prevention for dentists
And much, much more…
What’s this course about?
  • Course Title: Angles & Ridges
  • Lecturer: Erik-Jan Muts, Freek Gols Linthorst, Maarten de Beer
  • Costs: € 1.499,-
  • Includes refreshments, lunch, Saturday dinner and course materials. Doesn’t include hotelroom at Hotel Flora Batava/ Hotel de Leijhof
  • Dates:
  • 22 – 23 March 2024 – Hotel Flora Batava
  • 6 – 7 September 2024 – Unknown
  • 22-23 November 2024 – Hotel Flora Batava
  • Educational level: Dentists
  • KRT: 12 KRT-points
  • Two Day Composite Course:
  • First Day Posterior
  • Second Day Anterior
  • The Copy Paste Technique for Class-I Composites
  • Class-II Composites
  • Class-V Composites
  • Quadrant Dentistry Hacks
  • Anterior Composites
  • Social & Active Program
  • Injury Prevention
  • Surprise Activity
  • Course materials

Karma. Dentistry
17, Zijpendaalseweg, Arnhem, 6814CB