Deze cursus is verlopen

Recovery for performance in sport

16 Punten
Meerdere cursusdagen
Physical course - single


Regulier € 480


16 Punten

In today’s competitive sport environment, discovering effective methods of facilitating optimal athletic performance is paramount to success. The recovery period is essential in maintaining athletes physical and psychological well-being and crucial in the pursuit of intense physical training and satisfying performances. This course will present techniques and modalities currently used to enhance athletes recovery, optimize training time, and avoid overreaching & overtraining. The participants will find proven strategies for enhancing the recovery process and learn the importance of structuring an individualized and evidenced based recovery plan for improving performance. Appealing to a broad audience, this course will provide a scientific base of information as well as specific elements that allow for practical application in the real world on the basis of case-studies and practical examples with well-trained and elite athletes. These case studies will complement the scientific explanations by bringing additional context to the discussion of safe recovery modalities and how to apply those concepts to specific sports.


In de fysiotherapie bestaat er niet zoiets als één waarheid. Het is een uitdaging om te blijven leren. Om ons vak goed uit te voeren zoeken wij, als Denkfysio, verder dan de gebaande paden. We bestuderen de nieuwste ontdekkingen wereldwijd en bevragen de huidige aanpak. Zo houden jij en ik elkaar scherp en investeren we samen in de toekomst van ons vak zowel online (via artikelen, webinars en vak inhoudelijke discussies) als offline (via events, scholing en trainingen).
54, Nieuwe Marktstraat, D, Nijmegen, 6511 AA