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2024 World Pediatrics Conference
I would like to invite you to participate in the 6th Edition of the World Critical Care & Anesthesiology Conference 2024 (WCAC24) hosted by the Episirus Scientifica, which will be held from March 09-10, 2024, Bangkok-Thailand. The international nature of the conference is confirmed by its high scientific level. The planned lecture schedule and practical workshops are a great opportunity to learn about current issues of Anesthesiology and Intensive care. As a member of the Organizing Committee Member, I would like to encourage you to participate in the symposium.
299 - 1099
In aanvraag
Physical course - series
€ 299 - 1099
Accreditation in aanvraag
Physician Assistant
Accreditation in aanvraag
After a successful hybrid 2023WPC Pediatrics Conference, the 6th Edition of 2024 World Pediatrics Conference (2024WPC) will be hosted by Episirus Scientifica in collaboration with Bulgarian Pediatric Association in Osaka, Japan.
2024WPC is fully prepared to deliver the unique interactive experience we offer each year at our physical and virtual meetings. We are determined that none of our international colleagues will miss out on any of the conference sessions, nor the opportunity to present his or her work to colleagues from all over the world.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 2024WPC Conference online/virtual and in person in Osaka Japan on October 18-19, 2024.
Date: October 18-19, 2024
Our Vision:
To deliver promising Healthcare Commitment to the welfare of the children. The 2024WPC will be raising voice for children’s health, education, action, and development.
Area of Interest:
2024 World Pediatrics Conference (2024WPC) will be focusing on the latest advancements and innovations in different fields of Pediatrics research. 2024WPC is a premiere educational Pediatrics Congress in the field of Child Care and Neonatology that rotate between continents and are organized in collaboration with few national and international pediatric societies and associations. This International Pediatrics Congress 2024WPC is going to be held in Osaka, Japan during October 18-19, 2024 around the theme ‘Explore global health issues and initiatives related to Child Care’’ which enable the professionals from worldwide to exchange their views on a wide variety of topics affecting childcare and those suffering from pediatric diseases around the world. Since Genetic variance, developmental issues and Congenital defects are of a greater concern to pediatricians, we will be exploring more into these fields.
The 2024WPC conference will be having workshops on child and adolescent health, strategical session speakers, special keynote sessions organized by some of the eminent and renowned speakers who excel in the field of pediatrics and neonatal researches.
The 2024 World Pediatrics Conference (2024WPC) is also providing an opportunity to the young researchers to participate in the conference, present their on-going work through video presentation or e-poster and to also participate for Young Researcher Award by our esteemed organizing committee members.
The 2024WPC conference is being systematically organized for any professional involved in the pediatric healthcare domain, such as pediatric nurse practitioner, pediatrician, pediatric drugs & health care devices manufacturers, academicians, researcher, students, scientist, clinical coordinators, pediatric intensivist and health care professionals of many disciplines. The 2024WPC committee will work with professional associations and every other organization willing to add their strengths to education, advocacy and programming on behalf of children.
The main objectives of the Pediatric Conferences are to:
- Advance the education of physicians and other professionals in the care of patients with pediatric and neonatal diseases.
- To attain the best possible childcare for all people around the world.
- Support the development of clinical and medical science on pediatrics and neonatal researches.
- Provide a platform to present new ideas and treatments for pediatric and neonatal diseases.
- Enable scientists and physicians to interchange experiences and formulate new medical strategies.
Scope and Importance
Most countries in the world now offer access to medical education. 2024 World Pediatrics Conference (2024WPC) provides a platform to encourage prevention and control of health against childhood diseases and provide access to the world education.
Nederlandse vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde
1200, Mercatorlaan, Utrecht, 3528BL