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PIFotal E-learning
Engelstalige E-Learning
This e-Learning is divided into 6 sections, each one with their own theme. First, we introduce the wide range of inhalers available and the differences between de different (types of) inhalers. We then focus on how to match the inhaler to your patient with COPD. For making this decision, we consider important parameters such as inspiratory effort, PIF measurement and inhalation technique. Finally, we also evaluate adherence as an important factor.
1 Punten
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Janwillem Kocks
practicing general practitioner, professor of inhalation medicine
Janwillem Kocks is a practicing general practitioner, professor of inhalation medicine at the Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute in Singapore and general director of the General Practitioners Research Institute. He received his medical degree in 2004 from the University of Groningen. In 2005 he started his PhD research at the Groningen Research Institute on Asthma and COPD (GRIAC) resulting in his thesis “Towards health status Guided Care in COPD”. He combined his PhD training with specialist training to become a general practitioner and graduated as a general practitioner in 2009 and obtained his PhD in 2011. He is a board member of the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) and was its chairman from 2020 to 2022. His current research focuses on diagnosis and individualized treatment of both asthma and COPD in primary care, including improving inhalation technique through education and smart inhalers.
LET OP: Deze E-learning is uitsluitend in het Engels te volgen.
Matching the inhaler to the patient with COPD
This e-Learning is divided into 6 sections, each one with their own theme. First, we introduce the wide range of inhalers available and the differences between de different (types of) inhalers. We then focus on how to match the inhaler to your patient with COPD. For making this decision, we consider important parameters such as inspiratory effort, PIF measurement and inhalation technique. Finally, we also evaluate adherence as an important factor.
Matching the inhaler to the patient with COPD
Deze e-Learning is verdeeld in 6 onderdelen, met elk hun eigen thema. Eerst introduceren we het brede aanbod aan inhalatoren en de verschillen tussen de (types) inhalatoren. Daarna focussen we op het vinden van de juiste inhalator voor uw patiënt met COPD. Voor deze keuze nemen we belangrijke parameters mee, zoals inademingskracht, een PIF-meting en inhalatietechniek. Tenslotte bespreken we ook therapietrouw als belangrijk aandachtspunt.