Small Group Teacher Training (tutor, coach, etc)
This course is aimed at helping you acquire insights and skills for teaching in small groups within a problem based learning environment, such as a tutorial, a training session, project or a lab-practical.
Datum en locatie
Why you should attend this course?
This course is aimed at helping you acquire insights and skills for teaching in small groups within a problem based learning environment, such as a tutorial, a training session, project or a lab-practical.
What you can expect during the course:
The training is offered just-in-time. This implies that it starts 2 to 3 weeks before the course period where you are going to start teaching. The first two sessions are centred around themes such as teacher competencies and group dynamics to ensure you are well prepared for this role. The final two sessions primarily serve to let you discuss challenging cases, share good practices, etc. You will be asked to engage in a few preparatory assignments in between the sessions.
Who should attend?
All academic staff members with an educational role on A-level that is centred around small group teaching
Anything required?
- Having attended the Introductory course on principles of Problem Based Learning (PBL)
- Having a teaching role in the same period as the course takes place. This implies that we kindly ask you to subscribe for the course dates corresponding to the block in which you will actually fulfil your teaching role (so if you will be a tutor in Block 1, for example, please register for Block 1: Course Small Group Teacher Training).