Deze cursus is verlopen

Simplifying the hip

fysiotherapieHip coursesimplifying the hipheupheupklachtenheupblessuresliesliesklachten

This Hip course is purposefully accessible for all healthcare professionals who are looking to develop their understanding and skillset when it comes to Hip & Groin assessment and treatment.

12 Punten
Reguliere nascholing
Physical course - series


Regulier € 525


12 Punten


Mehmet Gem



After this course:

You are up to date about the hip.
you feel more comfortable treating patients with hip & groin pain.
You developed your assessment and treatment skills.

The hip region can be quite a daunting area to deal with, especially when newly qualified or perhaps, if you just haven't had as much experience with these patients. 

The aim of this course is to get rid of that anxiety completely. The course will help develop your clinical reasoning skills for assessing and treating these patients but more importantly it will also enhance your ability to solidify your subjective assessment and pattern recognition. 

Additionally the course will include real case studies and exercise rehab ideas that will hopefully be applicable to all attendees within their day to day clinics. 


In de fysiotherapie bestaat er niet zoiets als één waarheid. Het is een uitdaging om te blijven leren. Om ons vak goed uit te voeren zoeken wij, als Denkfysio, verder dan de gebaande paden. We bestuderen de nieuwste ontdekkingen wereldwijd en bevragen de huidige aanpak. Zo houden jij en ik elkaar scherp en investeren we samen in de toekomst van ons vak zowel online (via artikelen, webinars en vak inhoudelijke discussies) als offline (via events, scholing en trainingen).
54, Nieuwe Marktstraat, D, Nijmegen, 6511 AA